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Lora Tamayo: Week 3

March 13, 2014 at 2:33 pm
By Ashley Shin
In our final week at Lora Tamayo we had the youngest kids at the school. Monday morning we started off with the 1st graders and ended with the three year olds Tuesday afternoon. The kids were absolutely adorable and had a huge array of different personalities. Because the kids were so young we split each day into two shorter half day camps. The first group of 1st graders and kindergarteners were more or less able to run some variation of the usual drills. However, by the four and three year olds we started seeing a big difference in coordination and strength. For the three year olds we have to completely change the stations into much simpler activities, and only did one rotation of activities. On Wednesday we went back to the school one last time to say our final goodbyes to the kids. All the kids that day were dressed up in various costumes based on their classes. Some examples of class themes include: police officers, referees, athletes (mostly soccer players), artists, and more. It was very special because the school and moved their carnaval day to that Wednesday so that we could be a part of it. In addition to the costumes, there were a few performances as well. The youngest kids, dressed as Pablo Picassos, sang us a song and a group of cheerleaders did a small routine. The performances finished off with everybody singing a song for us that had lyrics saying "don't go, don't go". Following the performances, we handed out our gifts, drawstring backpacks that had both of our school names on them, to the children and posed for final pictures and autographs. It was a very special but sad moment to have to say our final goodbyes to the children of Lora Tamayo. It is truly incredible the amount we have touched these children's' lives in such a short period of time, and I'm sure both parties will remember this experience forever.

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