Incoming Freshmen Head "Into the Streets"

September 8, 2006

On Saturday, September 9, 507 members of the Carleton Class of 2010 will work all afternoon at the River Bend Nature Center in Faribault as part of the annual "Into the Streets" program, a component of New Student Week.

Sponsored by the ACT Center (Carleton's center for community service and academic civic engagement), "Into the Streets" is a national initiative designed to connect students to their community. Established in 1990, the goal of the program is to encourage and invite civic participation during the students' time at Carleton.

This year, the students will be part of a major buckthorn removal process at River Bend Nature Center. Working along with the new students will be New Student Week leaders, the ACT Center student staff, and the Campus Activities staff. Putting in a collective total of approximately 1,200 hours of labor, the group hopes to make major headway in the elimination of this invasive plant species.

Carleton College and the ACT Center would like to thank its sponsors for their assistance in planning this event: Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for funds to purchase travel mugs; Cub Foods of Northfield for donating bottled water; the Carleton Alumni Annual Fund for donating ice cream treats; and DuFours Cleaners for providing work gloves.

For more information about Saturday's activities, please contact the ACT Center at (507) 646-4028.