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Kaltura Integration to be Demoed at Reason CMS Hack/Doc

November 21, 2012
By nwhite

Carleton is hosting the 3rd Reason CMS Hack/Doc on December 3 and 4, 2012, where we will collectively write code and documentation with folks from Luther, Kalamazoo, and Beloit Colleges. We'll also be showcasing our Kaltura integration work, which adds some fantastic media handling features to Reason CMS.

Currently running in production at Carleton, a Kaltura integrated Reason CMS install makes video management dead simple. No more transcoding or preparing video for online presentation. Just upload a video or audio file, wait for Kaltura to do its work, and you are done.

The Reason interface lets you choose whether to allow downloading or embedding of uploaded media files, and presents your video (in the AV module or inline with content) using HTML5 with a player that works equally well on mobile devices or the desktop.

We run the open source Kaltura Community Edition at Carleton, though the integration would likely work with the hosted version as well for schools that might use that.

Watch for more detail on Kaltura integration prior to the 4.3 release in January, or download the github master build of Reason CMS to try it out right now.


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