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February 2nd, 2011

March 20, 2011 at 6:04 pm

BSA Minutes 2/2/11

  1. Convo Dinner - TOMORROW - Thursday - at 5:30 in Freedom House. The speaker is talking about educational inequality and sounds super interesting. There will be fried chicken, greens, and other delicious food!
  2. T-shirts - If you want one, bring cash or check to next week's meeting! (I forget exactly how much they cost, but approximately $12-$15)
  3. Exhibition - At Freedom House during 7th weekend; stay posted for more details. Featuring cool photos and artifacts from the archives!
  4. Music in Sayles - Stop by BSA's table in Sayles during common time (12-1) TOMORROW (and every Thursday this month). Tomorrow's musical genre will be gospel and religious music!
  5. Do the Right Thing - and watch "Do the Right Thing" this FRIDAY at 8 or SUNDAY at 11 in Olin 149. SUMO's showing it for Black History Month!
  6. Spirit Week - Will be the last week of the month, leading up to We Speak (Friday the 25th). We'll be tabling every day that week in Sayles: Monday (the 21st) - Taste of Black Culture, where we'll be giving out free samples (e-mail perkinjp if you want to make a dish!); Tuesday (the 22nd) - Undecided (let us know if you have an idea!); Wednesday (the 23rd) - Button Day! (let us know if you have a great button design idea!); Thursday (the 24th) - Music; Friday - Color Day (wear your BSA t-shirt and hopefully the rest of campus will also wear purple!)
  7. Black Masculinity (and femininity!) - BSA and MOC (Men of Color) will be co-hosting a 2nd week screening of a documentary on black masculinity, and the man who made it - Byron Hurt - will maybe come, too! Catrice also suggested an event relating to black femininity, so that is in the works as well!
  8. We Speak - Friday the 25th! Get your ACT together and let us know if you want to perform!
  9. COWOC - (Coalition of Women of Color) is tabling in Sayles on T/Th from 12-2. Stop by and order chocolate covered fruit for your Valentine! They'll also be holding an event about periods called "Happy Flow" with some nurses from The Wellness Center. Guys and girls welcome! Next Tuesday (the 8th) at 7 in the first Nourse lounge.
  10. Host prospies! - Mouhamadou is working for admissions and will need some helping hosting CLAE students from Feb. 17th-19th, so contact him if you're interested!
  11. The Color Line - Jessica will be reading from parts of this play next Tuesday (the 8th) at noon in the Library Athenaeum. So come support her, then go support COWOC (see note #8) in Sayles!
  12. White Privilege Conference - Robert has been working on the budget, and we still need to do some fundraising for this event held in the cities during spring term. We'll be having a crepe sale soon (potentially next week) and be thinking of other ideas in the meantime!
  13. Haiti Justice Week - is during 8th week. That Friday (the 25th) you'll be able to donate your lunch, so be on the lookout for more details on how to do that. Additionally, Thursday the 17th will be a lunch with Natalee from The Wellness Center; she went to Haiti and worked as a midwife; contact Hunter Knight if you want to reserve a space at the lunch and hear about it! Also, "Baby Doc," an exiled ex-Haitian President is trying to go back to Haiti(,8599,2042762,00.html), and some of the lawyers trying to stop him will be speaking at Carleton!
  14. Date Raffle - We'll be working with LASO on a raffle where people pay for a chance to win a date to We Speak and they get good seats!
  15. Sustainability and Diversity was our discussion topic!

See you next Wednesday at 7!
