Get to know the Technology Support Group


Kendra Strode, '10

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Kendra Strode, '10

Computing Support Specialist
Staff at Carleton: 5 years (give or take)

I am one of three full time staff who help captain the ship that is the ITS Helpdesk, the primary point of contact for the entire Carleton populate of students, staff, faculty, guests of the college and occasionally alumni with all issues relating to computers, printers, network connectivity, accounts and beyond.  Every single day is different and it is a lot like solving a bizarre puzzle/whack-a-mole problem, the goal being to solve individual problems without losing track of projects or broader progress - very engaging work indeed!  What I genuinely love most about this job is the wonderful community I am a part of: my clever and dedicated coworkers, our very-Carletonesque student staff, and all the truly amazing people we support across campus - I have felt a tremendous sense of camaraderie working together to make the college "go;" it's been tremendous to see what we everybody here can do!

17 April 2015