Psychology In the News

  • The Roots of Implicit Bias

    December 8, 2016
    Even well-meaning people frequently harbor hidden prejudices against members of other racial groups. Studies have shown that these subtle biases are widespread and associated with discrimination in legal, economic and organizational settings.
  • One of the hottest trends in public schooling is what's often called dual-language or two-way immersion programs. An associate professor at Harvard's Graduate School of Education, Gigi Luk says that "bilingualism is an experience that shapes our brain for a lifetime." What are some potential brain benefits of bilingual education?
  • According to data from a brain imaging study conducted at Duke University, students who had relatively greater activity in a specific area of the prefrontal cortex while completing mental math exercises also reported more robust emotion regulation skills compared with their peers. Read the full article to find more about this research!
  • Men who strongly conformed to masculine norms were not only more likely to have poor mental health but also also less likely to seek mental health treatment. Overall, conforming to masculine norms was associated with negative mental health outcomes.
  • According to a new meta-analysis of a million people, having low cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with a 75 percent higher risk of depression, while people with medium fitness levels have a 23 percent higher risk.

  • Smartphone use is associated with worse quality of sleep. Looking at your phone just before bedtime can be particularly harmful to sleep quality. Check out this article to find out how your smartphone harms the quality of sleep you get!

  • Think of the most hilarious video you’ve ever seen on the internet. Why is it so funny? The author uses superiority, relief, incongruity, benign violations theories to explain the funniness of humor.


  • Our culture has long expected that women will be kind, and leaders will be authoritative. So what's a female leader to do when she confronts these conflicting stereotypes?

  • What effect does Facebook have on our emotional states? According to Facebook, about 22% of the world's population uses it regularly, logging on for about 50 minutes a day. Does Facebook create psychological benefits or global gloom? Check it out!

  • One study found that people who live in communities with high levels of overt racism are more likely to die from heart disease and other circulatory diseases. Learn more about this study!

  • Many female students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) have faced a common experience - they walked into a classroom and found that they were among a small handful of women in the class, or even the only one. This kind of experience has the potential to make a talented, motivated student feel out-of-place, and compel her to search for more inclusive academic environments. Then how can female students' sense of belonging in STEM be increased? Check out this article!

  • Research has found that many who experience acts of discrimination report higher stress levels and poorer health, according to the APA survey in August 2015. Click to find out more about this survey!