
Nov 8

Food in the 21st Century: Local, Fair Trade, Community Supported?

From site: Wellstone House of Organization and Activism

What are the social, cultural, and ethical implications of our current food production system? Who are the winners and who are the losers? How are local, fair trade, and community supported farming initiatives changing the face of food in the 21st century? Featuring: Reginaldo Haslett Marroquin: Co-founder of Peace Coffee, Founder and Vice-chair of the Fair Trade Federation, and Director of the Latino Enterprise Center Erik Esse; Director, Local Fair Trade Network Erin Johnson or Ben Doherty; Farmers, Open Hands Farm Also, be sure to stop by the Fair Trade Gift Fair, Sayles 10 AM - 3 PM to finish your holiday shopping early and feel good about it.

Thursday, November 8th, 2007
6:30 pm / Hill Lounge (Upper Sayles)

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