
Apr 16

Sustainability Award Nominations Due

From site: Wellstone House of Organization and Activism

Carleton is seeking to honor a student and a faculty or staff member who have contributed to campus sustainability. Nominations can be just a few paragraphs about how this person has contributed to a specific sustainability project on campus. Details below.

Monday, April 16th, 2007

This year, Carleton has created an additional award to recognize members of our community
for their leadership and service. Called the "Stewsie Sustainability Award," this award
recognizes a faculty or staff member as well as a student whose character reflects the
determination, conviction, and innovation of the life-long service of Dresdon Blake
Stewart, better known as "Stewsie".

As employee and later Superintendent of Grounds, Stewsie served the college for over 50
years. Never found without a shovel in hand, he was dedicated to improving his
community's environment, keeping strong his deep convictions to preserving the natural
order of the local habitat. Through his problem-solving, will-power, and enthusiasm,
Stewsie ensured the health and vitality of our environment.

--Please send all staff/faculty nominations to Lizzy Shephard:
--Please send all student nominations to Mark Kanazawa:

NOMINATIONS ARE DUE BY ***APRIL 16th****and will be announced on Earth Day.

For more information regarding the details/criteria of this award, see

Lizzy Shephard
ENTS Educational Associate

A natural symbol, provided by the Dean of Students Hudlin Wagner, will be
given to each recipient. The student will also be awarded a cash prize
determined by the Environmental Advisory Committee (this will come from the
EAC budget) as well as funds to attend a sustainability conference the
following year (total award amount given is under $300). Eligibility


-Nomination (unsolicited) by a member of the Carleton faculty, staff, or
-Full-time Carleton student
-Sophomore or Junior standing
-Nominee embodies Stewsie's spirit through a specific sustainability
project that improves the health of human-environmental relationships on
campus and beyond
-Nominee whose experiences and character best reflect the spirit of
Stewsie's conviction and dedication to our human relationship to the
natural world
-Non-winners may be re-nominated in subsequent years

2) Staff or Faculty

-Nomination (unsolicited) by a member of the Carleton faculty, staff, or
-Full-time Carleton faculty or staff member
-Nominee embodies Stewsie's spirit through a specific sustainability
project that improves the health of human-environmental relationships on
campus and beyond
-Nominee whose experiences and character best reflect the spirit of
Stewsie's conviction and dedication to our human relationship to the
natural world
-Non-winners may be re-nominated in subsequent years
-The ENTS Educational Associate can not receive this award as this job is partially
defined as improving campus sustainability

Award Process

Any member of the Carleton community is invited to submit a student name in
nomination to Hudlin Wagner, Dean of Students, or Mark Kanazawa, Director
of ENTS.

All faculty and staff nominations should be submitted to Lizzy Shephard who
will confirm all nominations by contacting the nominator and form a
committee to choose winners. Nominations will be requested in early spring.

Deadline for Nomination and Letter of Support: April 16th

Sponsored by ENTS. Contact: eshephar