
Sep 25

Why Pollution Matters for Children's Psychological Development

From site: Environmental Studies Events

Dr. Colleen Moore from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Psychology will give a presentation about the impacts of pollution upon the behavioral and psychological development of children. This event is free.

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007
7:00 – 9:00 pm / Viking Theater at St. Olaf College

Pollution matters because exposure to certain pollutants can affect children's intellectual functioning, their social interactions and behavior, and their stress responses. This presentation provides the basics of what the research shows about how exposure to pollution affects children's behavior and psychological development. Examples will be drawn from the "best science" on exposure to lead, mercury, PCBs, noise, and community pollution disasters.

For more information, contact Liana Schreiber.

Sponsored by St. Olaf Psychology Environmental Studies Dept.. Contact: smithad, ENTS