
Nov 1

Guatemalan Dinner for Chico Mendes Reforestation Project

From site: Wellstone House of Organization and Activism

The Cooperative Justice House and World Issues Dialogue invite you to join us for a traditional Guatemalan supper to raise money for the Chico Mendez Reforestation Project in Cantel, Guatemala. Several members of this primarily Mayan mountain community founded the project in response to the dwindling of their groundwater supply that resulted from decades of deforestation. Since 1999, the project has planted as many as 65,000 trees in one year. Six St. Olaf students who have briefly lived in Cantel will share their experiences with the project, the community, and its connection to issues of sustainable development and indigenous rights. Free will donations accepted and encouraged. Menu: Caldo de res (beef and vegetable stew) Tortillas de maíz (corn tortillas) Café de maíz (corn drink) Ensalada de rábano (radish salad) and for dessert... Pan dulce (sweet bread) Café guatemalteco (guatemalan coffee)

Thursday, November 1st, 2007
5:30 – 7:00 pm / Felland House, St. Olaf Ave

Sponsored by Wellstone House of Organization and Activism. Contact: dernbacb