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November 4th, 2010

March 20, 2011 at 5:48 pm

Here's what went down last night:

  • Morgan Holmes shared what she will be doing for her English comps - directing an August Wilson play, and leading some discussions about community art and the play's portrayal of racial themes. If you're interested in auditioning for the play, being involved in the discussions during winter term, or want to ask her any questions, her e-mail is holmesmo. It sounds really cool! (JP previously forwarded everyone something about this, so you can review that, too. Also today's all-campus e-mail).
  • As part of my job as a sustainability assistant, I'm going to be screening the documentary "The Real Dirt on Farmer John" next Tuesday, the 9th, at 7:30 in Leighton 402. The film is about this crazy independent farmer and is very entertaining, plus there will be delicious snacks!
  • As you all surely know by now, COWOC is having their violence against women awareness week this week. The big event tonight is a performance by SOARS (Story Of A Rape Survivor) from 7-8:30 in the Great Hall. It should be really great, so be sure to check it out! (And check today's all-campus e-mail and all the other e-mails you've been forwarded if you want to know what else is going on).
  • Martin Luther King Day is January 17th and February is Black History Month, so as soon as we get back from winter break, we'll have lots of events going on related to those. But we need to start planning now! EVERYONE should e-mail JP the name of a speaker they'd like to see come to Carleton related to MLK day or black history month, and also e-mail him if you'd be interested in helping to plan any of these events.
  • This Saturday at 6 (probably in the Cassat basement, we'll let you know for sure soon) will be our end-of-the-term BOONDOCKS MARATHON! There will be pizza and snacks and maybe guest appearances by members of CUBE (Olaf's BSA)! Feel free to stop by for however long you'd like; there will be seasons 1 and 2 playing!
  • 9th weekend (Nov. 12th-13th) is POETRY WEEKEND! We'll need help for a lot of stuff, including: tabling in Sayles tomorrow from 12-2:30, CAMPUS DRIVERS, putting up posters (JP forwarded everyone Sad'e's awesome flyer, so let's plaster campus with them), making a Sayles banner, and setting up the Great Space on Friday night the 12th at 6. E-mail the board (JP, Robin, Alex, or me) if you can help with any of that. Also, tell all your friends and make announcements in your classes! Just to review, the performance by J. Ivy and Dana Gilmore will be Friday night the 12th in Sayles Great Space (with Chipotle dinner with the poets beforehand in Freedom House), the workshop with J. Ivy and Carleton prof Adriana Estill will be Saturday afternoon the 13th, and open mic will be that night at the Cave.
  • We also had a VERY lively discussion about abortion and adoption.

Happy 8th week, see you ALL tonight at the SOARS performance (7, Great Hall)!
