Reason Calendar Event Guidelines

If you have a Reason site for your student organization, you can publish events that will appear on the central campus calendar (if you don't see events as an option in your Reason admin area, contact the web group).

There are a few things to keep in mind when setting up your events:

The name of your site/organization isn't displayed on the central calendar.

  • Please don't call an event "Weekly Meeting" or something equally ambiguous. Go for something like "Mustache Club Weekly Meeting." Remember, though, that the location that you enter will be displayed with the event, so don't include the location in the title.

Check for shared events before creating a new one.

  • If there's any chance that someone else might have already entered your event on another calendar, please borrow the event rather than recreating it. If for some reason you have to create a duplicate event, don't share it.
  • You can see other public events for any given day on the "Other events" sidebar that appears when you choose a date for a new event.

Only share Carleton events.

  • An event gets on the central calendar when you mark it "shared" rather than "private." Most events you'll want to share, but there may be some that you should leave private, in which case they will only be displayed on your site. Examples of things NOT to share are:
    • Off-campus events that members of your group might be attending, but that aren't being run by Carleton.
    • Private meetings which are only open to a small number of people.

Set your repeating events to end on the last day of classes.

  • Reason makes it easy to set up a regular event that shows up automatically every week. Please use the last day of classes as your end date for such events (if appropriate). It's embarrassing to see your weekly meeting show up on the calendar in the middle of December or July.

Thanks for helping keep the campus calendar accurate and useful!