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Please note: this site is no longer maintained and is presented for archival purposes only.

Information about ride sharing is now maintained on the Carleton Transportation site and at Go! Northfield.


Resources at Carleton:

The Campus Services Office maintains several fleet vehicles for official college use and offers a transportation website listing local and regional transport options.

The Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) is a body of students, faculty, and staff all interested in making campus more sustainable by enacting sustainability policies and supporting students and departments in their sustainability efforts. The EAC also has a Transportation Subcommittee that works to reduce Carleton's environmental impact by improving it's transportation policies.

Every year Carleton has at least one ENTS 5th year intern. This intern supports the Carleton Rideshare and Sustainability websites. In doing so, he or she is knowledgeable about Carleton's transportation systems. During the 2008-2009 school year Chris Erickson ('08) will fill this position.

Carleton's Sustainability website contains information on all of Carleton's Green initiatives. It also indicates Carleton's sustainability goals with regard to transportation issues.

Jason Lord's ENTS Capstone - this is a 2005 report on Carleton's GHG Emissions. Jason discusses how Carleton fleet vehicles and commuting to and from Carleton contribute to Carleton's GHG Emissions. To download the full report click here.

Carbon Neutral Carleton - this was a 2006-2007 group Capstone project in which six students assessed strategies of how Carleton can best become carbon neutral. The students assess topics such as electricity, heating, purchasing, transportation, building construction and renovation and carbon offsetting. To download the full report click here.

Campus Security Services enforces all parking policies at Carleton. During the 2007-2008 school year the Campus Security office completed a parking study. All parking related questions or concerns should be directed to the Campus Security office (Upper Sayles). Wayne Eisenhuth is Director of Security Services).

Ideas for Improving Transportation at Carleton - a list and description of several ideas that may help Carleton encourage its employees and students to reduce the amount that they drive on and/or to campus. Click here to download. 

Resources for the Commuter:

Van-Go! Commuter Vanpool Service - this service helps employees who work or live in the metro area join a vanpool with their co-workers or neighbors.

Metro Transit provides commuters with information on Park and Ride lots, bus and light rail schedules, and car and vanpool option beyond Carleton.

Commuter Benefits - A commuter benefits program does not yet exist at Carleton, but with your help, Carleton could begin to plan and implement such a program. These programs offer incentives for people to walk, bike, or rideshare to campus.

Car Sharing - There are several car sharing businesses in the Twin Cities region. As of 2008, these include NuRide, Zipcar, and HourCar. The rates, expectations, and eligibility requirements each of these carsharing services is different, but all allow eligible drivers to coordinate a rideshare or reserve a car and drive it to work or for personal use. Car sharing services may allow you or your family to own fewer or no vehicles.

Useful Websites & Reports:

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from U.S. Transportation- a 2003 report prepared by the PEW Center. This report describes transportation policy options, U.S. transportation energy use, and strategies for transitioning from oil to other fuel sources. To download this report (80 pages) click here.

Taking Climate into Account in U.S. Transportation - A PEW report detailing vehicle efficiency and the decarbonization of American's vehicle fuel supply. Click here to download this report (12 pages).

Public Transportation's Contribution to U.S. Greenhouse Gas Reduction - This 2007 report describes U.S. transportation trends from 1990-2004, transportation's contribution to climate change, and how public transportation can work to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Click here to download the report (43 pages).

Transportation Challenge: Driving your campus toward a transportation revolution one gas-guzzler at a time - This is an action packet written by the Rainforest Action Network. Inside are examples of campus transportation systems that encourage alternative transportation technologies and strategies. Click here to download report (41 pages).

Surface Transportation Policy Partnership - This D.C. based nonprofit focuses on transportation legislation and funding for public transit. Minnesota transportation facts are also available on this site.

Transportation Energy Data Book - This website allows you to peruse decades of U.S. transportation data. It has downloadable spreadsheets on transportation trends, and links transportation trends to trends in population growth, vehicle purchases, licensed drivers, income levels etc.

Transportation and Air Quality - The EPA website gives readers an overview of transportation pollutants and their effects on air quality.

Scorecard - The most popular online reporting center for pollution information. Scorecard compiles its data from science and government databases. Scorecard publishes information on pollution from mobile sources.

LEED Certification Transportation Credits - In an attempt to reduce carbon emissions, during the 2007-2008 school year Carleton committed to making all new buildings LEED Certified. Here is a list of credits available to Carleton for making alternative transportation available on campus.