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Carpenter's Acclaimed Novel Selected for Kirkus Reviews' Best of 2013 List

January 2, 2014 at 10:22 am

"Theory of Remainders," the acclaimed novel by professor of French Scott Dominic Carpenter, has been selected for the esteemed Kirkus Reviews' "Best Books of 2013" List. Applauding the work for its “fully realized characters” and “remarkable fluency of language,” the national trade reviewer asserts that Carpenter’s “extensive comprehension of French culture and history make this literary novel a stellar achievement.” The book is one of a small number to receive the distinction.

Set in France, "Theory of Remainders" (Winter Goose Publishing) follows an American psychiatrist who seeks to unravel the story of his daughter’s disappearance more than a decade ago. Carpenter, who teaches French at Carleton and has spent several years in France, asserts that there is also a local connection to the story. “I moved back to Minnesota at the time of Jacob Wetterling’s disappearance,” he says, referring to the 1989 disappearance of the St. Joseph boy. “My time here has been marked by that inexhaustible saga, which has for years oscillated between hope and despair.” Although the story he tells in "Theory of Remainders" is not based on any actual case, Carpenter sought to portray the effect of unresolved trauma.

Called “riveting” by Library Journal and named a Midwest Connections “Pick” by the Midwest Independent Bookseller’s Association, "Theory of Remainders" makes for a compelling read. As John Lehman, of Rosebud Reviews wrote, “Nothing I have read in the last three or four years even comes close.”

Carpenter is donating a portion of proceeds from book sales to the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center.

Carpenter will appear at the Barnes & Noble at the Galleria, 3225 W 69th Street in Edina, on Feb. 4 at 7 p.m.

Carpenter is also the author of the recent short story collection, “This Jealous Earth” (MG Press, 2013). A Pushcart Prize nominee, Carpenter has published broadly in literary journals. His work has been included in the “Best Indie Lit New England 2012.”

More information about Carpenter and “Theory Of Remainders” can be found online at and