FAQ and Other Tips and Tricks

This page is home to our Frequently Asked Questions, where you can find information on all sorts of things, from useful info about using Moodle and Google Docs to how to give someone access to course materials.  If you have any questions you would like to see us add answers to, please email us.

Since we have many questions answered here, we recommend that you either search by entering a keyword or by choosing a category. You may choose to add a focus (second category) to narrow your search.

For more in-depth Moodle FAQs, check out the wiki.

How do I grade an assignment?

1. Click Turn editing on

Turn Editing on

2. On your course page, click on grades on the left side of the page, in the administration block 

3. Then under each assignment name and across from the student you can input the grades they earned. 

insert grade 

3. If the assignment requires to be read through because it was submitted via Moodle, turn editing off

4. Click on the assignment you'd like to grade and you will see a summary of the assignment

5. Click on View/grade all submissions

view/grade all submissions 

6.To start grading hover over the edit icon for a student and you will be presented with three options: Grade, Grant extension, or Revert the submission to draft (allows students to edit again)

7.Select the grade option

8. The other option to grading an assignment, would be to click on the grade icon that pertains to a student, where you can review the submission

edit grade option 

9. Scroll to the bottom of the page to insert a grade and feedback comment if desired

grade and feedback 

10. Save the changes and go back to the Grade book, or click save and show next to grade the next assignment

11. If the student submitted a document, go to the course page and find the assignment you wish to grade

12. Click View/grade all submissions

13. Again, you will see the list of students and their submission status. Hover over the edit icon and click Grade. Read the submitted document, insert a grade, add comments, and save changes.

Other FAQs