Volume 3: Issue 1 (September 14, 2017)

Department Updates

September 14, 2017

Office of International and Intercultural Life (OIIL) is excited to have completed OIIL Peer Leader (OPL) Training as well as International Student Orientation (ISO). With 65 international and dual citizenship first years arriving, our office is off to a great start. OIIL will be looking to hire two new full time staff members in the month of September. We would also like to highlight Brisa Zubia being name Interim Director of the office.

The Gender and Sexuality Center (GSC) would like to thank everyone who made this year’s GSC Staff training a success. We are excited to welcome our new staff to the GSC and are looking forward to another great year.

The Academic Support Center (ASC) is thrilled to welcome a number of fantastic staff members:  Steve Schauz, Area Director who will meet individually with students to develop new learning strategies and fine-tune their time management; thirteen new writing consultants; eleven new prefects; fifteen new math tutors; a speech coach (Jenny Portis); and last, but not least, Larry Gouldfish IV, who is making himself home in his aquarium.

The Career Center is excited to be kicking off the 2017-2018 academic year from our new location in Johnson House.   Staff members have been keeping busy with getting situated into their new office spaces and are eager to welcome both new and returning students to the Career Center’s new location.  We especially encourage seniors to connect with our office so they are aware of upcoming campus recruiting deadlines and are equipped with skills to help them stand out when attending employer visits/info sessions.  Also, students can now browse 2017 Winter Break externship opportunities.  The deadline to apply is Oct. 2nd.

Disability Services and Student Health and Counseling Center (SHAC) are collaborating in a national pilot study with the College Diabetes Network as one of 25 campuses to utilize and study new resources to support college students with diabetes. Carleton College Disability Services and the federal Workforce Recruitment Program are connected to assist Carleton students with disabilities to be considered for either summer or permanent job opportunities. Contact cdallager@carleton.edu to register before October 7.

TRIO kicked off the year welcoming new students to campus with an orientation and open house. Stay tuned for TRIO Awareness Week, October 2-6.

The Office of Health Promotion is excited to be in the search process for an Assistant Director who will coordinate the new Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grant.

Student Activities Office (SAO) spent much of the summer reviewing the 2016-2017 academic year, preparing for the upcoming year, and planning for New Student Week and the arrival of the class of 2021. SAO also worked with Zagster to implement a bike share program on campus. This project was funded by the Special Projects Committee of the Carleton Student Association (CSA) last winter term. Additionally, the office hosted a variety of summer programming opportunities for students who were working on campus over the summer.

Residential Life is excited to welcome three new Area Directors to the fold: Elizabeth Charnell (James, Casset, Norse), Steve Schauz (Goodhue, Evans), and Genia Wilson (Watson, Myers). In addition to our new ADs, the office is excited to have our phenomenal Resident Assistants and House Managers in their respective halls and houses. We would also like to highlight Mimi De Rosas return to the office after welcoming a new baby girl!