Volume 2: Issue 8 (June 13, 2017)

Annual Peer Leader Training Kickoff

June 13, 2017

On Tuesday, May 16, the Peer Leader Committee hosted the annual Peer Leader Orientation to kick-off training for all incoming 2017-2018 peer leaders. Approximately 270 students attended the orientation, representing positions in the following offices: OIIL, GSC, Career Center, Residential Life, Office of the Chaplain, SAO, CCCE, TRIO, Academic Support Center, and the Office of Health Promotion.

The goal of the program was to offer a space for peer leaders to begin connecting with peer leaders from other offices, as well as offer a chance to reflect on why participants sought the peer leader position. This orientation provided an overview of the various roles a peer leader plays, and how students relate to them, such as that of a mentor, educator, team member, friend, or activist. The committee will continue to coordinate fall training and is looking forward to welcoming back all of our wonderful peer leaders for New Student Week in September!