Volume 2: Issue 8 (June 13, 2017)

A Message from the Dean

June 13, 2017

This month, we say farewell to the Class of 2017 and shift our attention to the Class of 2021. Later this summer, I will provide an update on key initiatives/programs for the Division of Student Life.  

In the meantime, I am pleased to announce that Sindy Fleming, currently director for the Center for Multicultural and International Engagement for St. Olaf College, has been named Assistant Dean of Students in the Dean of Students Office effective July 15, 2017.  In this new role, Sindy will provide centralized support for students on leave or taking a leave, and lead efforts to increase programmatic synergies between of the Office of Intercultural and International Life and the Gender and Sexuality Center.  Sindy will also collaborate with faculty and staff to provide an environment of dialogue in which students build on their critical thinking and leadership skills.

Sindy attended University Del Valle in Guatemala City, Guatemala, and is a graduate of St. Olaf College in Spanish and Education K-12 licensure.  She also received a Master of Education in Teaching and Learning from Saint Mary’s University and is completing an Ed.D. from the University of Southern California’s Ross­­ier School of Education.    

Sindy has been providing and promoting programs, initiatives, and an atmosphere that fosters academics, leadership, service, and community.  She served as a TRIO/Student Support Services (SSS) Academic Advisor that allowed her to work with first- generation and low-income college students at a selective liberal arts institution. She also taught in both public and private schools ranging from kindergarten to twelfth grade, and obtained funding for Sustained Dialogue at St. Olaf.  She also served as a co-facilitator for a faculty learning community, which provided a hands-on workshop for integrating diversity conversations into first-year courses. 

I am excited that Sindy will bring her collaborative spirit, passion, and energies to Carleton.  Please join me in welcoming Sindy Fleming to Carleton.

Happy summer!

Carolyn H. Livingston, Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students