Volume 3: Issue 1 (September 14, 2017)

Staff Read at the YMCA

September 14, 2017

In between summer projects and vacations, staff in the division also found time to volunteer in the Northfield community reading to kids enrolled at the YMCA’s day camp.  The reading program was created from a partnership with Northfield Promise, Healthy Communities Initiative, and the Northfield YMCA, to offer youth small group and one-on-one reading opportunities during the summer.  Area Director Steve Romenesko even took it to the next level and trained to drive the Book Bike to a local park, delivering free books to youth in the area. “The Book Bike program is awesome because it delivers books to others in a way that is really exciting and fun. It’s something different and out of the box that is a neat hallmark of our community.”

The Division’s Volunteer Committee organizes opportunities for staff to participate in each term. Fall term, volunteers in the division will be helping host a dinner at Greenvale Community School.