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February 6, 2012

Administrative Computing Advisory Committee

February 6, 2012

Present:  Jim Fergerson, Joel Cooper, Sue Traxler, Julie Anderson, Dan Bergeson, Roger Lasley, Rod Oto, Linda Thornton, Julie Thornton

Guests:  Matt Lauterbach

Agenda items:

1.       Approval of minutes of January 11 meeting

2.       Guest:  Matt Lauterbach – update on Colleague makeover project

3.    Risk management Trustee presentation (Joel Cooper)

4.    Announcements

Approval of minutes of January 11, 2011 meeting:

The minutes were approved with no changes.

Update on Colleague makeover project:

Matt Lauterbach joined our meeting to give us an update on progress being made on the Colleague makeover project.  He talked about various parts of the project and the timetable for that work. They are focusing now on data cleanup and non-real time reporting and have delivered some reports to Accounts Payable, Human Resources, Payroll, and Registrar’s office.  They will continue meeting with other administrative offices to discuss reports they need and start initial view creation.  Non-real time reporting is estimated to be mostly completed by July. We are working on getting the hardware on-site with the goal of creating Colleague on a SQL environment and have users start testing in July.

The team meets with the Colleague Steering Committee every two weeks to keep them updated with progress being made. 

Risk Management Trustee presentation:

Last November ITS began working with Randie Johnson, in the Business Office, as part of the Enterprise Risk Management process to identify and evaluate areas of potential IT risk to the College.  ITS came up with a list of risks and then we rated them 1-5 by consequence and likelihood.  A couple items at the top of the list were 1.  Separate infrastructures for IT, Telecomm, EMS, cable TV - creates competition for resources, duplication of expenses, and incompatibility.  2.  Data breach – loss of confidential data.  Joel Cooper will be presenting this information to the Board of Trustees this week.

The College is currently in the assessment phase of this project which will be completed next October when the last three departments, External Relations, Dean of the College, and Business Office present their findings to the Trustees. When that is completed, the institution will put all the key risks together, score the items, and identify priority areas.  This exercise will be valuable in that the College can identify gaps and allocate resources to fix and address items.


The Data Management Group has been testing Identity Finder software and have identified spaces on the network where access is more open than it should be.  ITS is working with those groups to change access to certain folders.  We continue to rollout the program to other departments.  ITS is also encouraging cleanup of data from the old to new Collab structure and are happy to help with that process if departments need it. 

Sue Traxler recently attended an Apple Symposium where they announced development materials for the iPad.  Apple reps will be on campus this week to meet with several ITS and St. Olaf staff to talk about software licensing for iPads and volume licensing.

Linda Thornton reported that the OnBase Kofax errors have significantly diminished in the Business Office.

Future agenda item:

1.      Document retention policy

Meeting adjourned at 3:05pm

Submitted by,

Candyce Lelm