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November 28, 2011


November 28, 2011

Present:  Jim Fergerson, Joel Cooper, Sue Traxler, Julie Anderson, Dan Bergeson, Roger Lasley, Rod Oto,

Linda Thornton

Guests:  Linda Borene

Absent:  Julie Thornton


1.       Approval of minutes of October 24 meeting

2.       Guest:  Linda Borene - update on Slate

2.       ITS updates and announcements (Joel, Sue) Firewall upgrade, etc.

3.       Identify Finder software – testing and discuss communication plan

4.       Member thoughts on agenda items for winter 2012

Approval of minutes:

The minutes from the October 24, 2011 meeting were approved.

Update on Slate:

Linda Borene joined our meeting to give us an update on Slate, Admissions new recruitment software. She reported that things are going well and they are fine tuning the process as they go along.  Right now they are only using it for applications and so far 2000 have come in through Common app electronically.  Linda has been working with Slate reps on some customization and tweaking to meet our needs.  Early decision letters will go out in a couple weeks with the search to be complete by mid-January. Slate has a payment module that we are working to implement.  There are also plans to get the financial aid side integrated into the process. 

We had a short discussion about document imaging and how much gets transfered from Slate into OnBase.  Overall the group agreed that a higher level conversation needs to take place as it involves several departments.   We talked about the on-going Onbase Kofax driver error.  Linda Thornton reported how it has had a negative impact on the Business Office’s scanning process and slows down the progress of other work  as a whole.  ITS has been working on this error, but can’t recreate it on demand.  The next steps we have identified to help resolve and continue working on are:

1.      Move Cindy Grism to a different file volume, wait a couple days then test again.

2.      Map Cindy’s drive letter mapping.

3.      A vendor rep will be on campus December 12 and 13th to help us work on this along with other Onbase priorities.

4.      Purchase one copy of the Kofax driver.

5.      Upgrade to Unity client (plan to do this in the future).

ITS updates and announcements:

Sue and Joel reported on the following projects in ITS.

·         Firewall upgrade.  Our firewall is reaching its end-of-life and needs to be upgraded by the end of the year.  We are in the process of reviewing two products and negotiating pricing with vendors.  The new firewall will have an increased level of toolsets and put us in a better position moving forward.

·         We recently signed the contract with Cogent for our second Internet connection.  It should be active within 90 days.

·         Weitz Center – the first term in the new building went fairly well.  Joel plans to meet with Steve Spehn and Steve Richardson to go over areas that still need attention or meeting people’s needs.  There are also plans to install permanent video conferencing equipment in room 008 for use by some classes, the strategic planning groups, and others.

·         The list of active projects ITS is working on can be found here:



Identity Finder software – testing and communication plan

Members of the Data Management Group are downloading and testing the software.  Their next meeting is December 7, when they plan to discuss their testing results.  Our plan is to get the product solidly working before making it available to our administrative users.   The Data Management Group will report back to this committee in January with a list of recommendations.

Agenda items for Winter 2012:

1.      iPad policy – purchasing and support.

2.      OnBase initiatives

3.      Identity Finder – recommendations from Data Management Group


Meeting adjourned at 3:15pm

Submitted by,

Candyce Lelm