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October 24, 2011


October 24, 2011

Present:  Jim Fergerson, Julie Anderson, Dan Bergeson, Joel Cooper, Sue Traxler, Roger Lasley, Rod Oto,

Linda Thornton, Julie Thornton

Guests: Les LaCroix 


1.       Review minutes of September 27th meeting.

2.       Discuss storage of SSN’s, credit card information, etc. (software to locate stored sensitive information).

3.       Self-service password recovery for administrative users.

4.       Review and approve Data Management Group charge – attached.

5.       Other updates and announcements

6.       Information item (attached): EDUCAUSE National Study of Undergraduates and Information Technology 2011.

Review minutes of September 27th meeting:

The minutes were approved with no changes.

Discuss storage of SSN’s, credit card information, etc.

The committee discussed the vulnerability of sensitive data (credit card, social security numbers) that may be stored on computers and reside in unsecure spaces such as the C: drive of staff.   ITS has purchased software that can scan the network and individual hard drives to look for any data that may exist in unsecure spaces. The goal is to partner with each department to implement the process.  They would like to start by testing out the product with the Data Management Group and a couple departments, see how well that works, then determine next steps. The timeline to do the testing is now through December and in parallel build secure network spaces to put the confidential data.  After discussion the committee endorsed the initiative for ITS to move forward, set up a process, and help departments identify data that they need to secure or delete.

Self-service password recovery for administrative users.

Les LaCroix joined our meeting to give us some background on self-service password recovery.  The SpecOps implementation group is working on self serve password recovery and the options for use.  Currently academic staff/faculty and students can enter an answer to a couple of security questions and get a new password.  It’s currently not available to Administrative staff but, technology has improved and we would like to enable it for them too.  This would involve entering a security question and then have the system send a code to their cell phone or another e-mail address, to then be entered into the computer to get a new password.  The implementation team wants to allow use of a combination of text message and secret questions possibly for all users.  This service is not mandatory and people still have the option to call the helpdesk and have a staff member reset their password.  ITS is comfortable with this security profile and after discussion the committee gave them the go-ahead to implement it.

Review and approve Data Management Group charge:

With a few minor changes, the ACAC committee approved the Data Management’s Group statement of purpose.

Other updates and announcements:

·         Colleague User Group – Jody Friedow is leading the taskforce to look at dual citizenship coding in Colleague.

·         OnBase – the committee would like regular reporting from that group.  They would like OnBase initiatives to be on the agenda for our next meeting.

·         Slate – applications are being downloaded.  Nov. 15th is early decision.  Slate has an on-line payment feature, but it’s an additional cost. 

·         Business Office – new reporting is now available for accounts payable and purchasing.

·         Future topic – security of mobile devices.

Meeting adjourned at 3:05pm

Submitted by,

Candyce Lelm