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September 26, 2012


SEPTEMBER 26, 2012

Present:  Sam Patterson, Dan Bergeson, Roger Lasley, Julie Thornton, Jim Fergerson

Guest:  Linda Borene

Absent:  Linda Thornton (Chair), Sue Traxler, Julie Anderson, Rod Oto

1.  Review Minutes from July 2012
2.  Current initiatives in ITS
3.   Update on search for a Chief Technology Officer
4. Consideration of a Joint Meeting with the Academic Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC - previously AC2)

Review minutes from July 2012

The minutes from the July 18, 2012 meeting were approved.

Current initiatives in ITS:

Sam reported on a couple of current ITS initiatives that came about from internal conversations and then were identified as areas needing attention.   He is working on creating two task force groups and invited input from the committee.

1.      Improve communication – a Task Force is being formed and for now will focus on internal communication.

2.      Customer Service – a Frontline Services Task Force is being formed with the goal of improving the overall experience of all the customers we serve and make some concrete improvements before the new director arrives.  We discussed the various ways of seeking this information -, possible surveys, visit offices that exhibit good customer service, work through CSA to get student input.  Membership: should there be ATAC/ACAC representation on this Task Force?  It was agreed that vetting results of these taskforces with ATAC/ACAC was more important than task force membership.

Sam is looking for a preliminary report from the two Task Forces to be completed by the end of fall term at which time it can be presented to the Academic Technology Advisory Committee and the Administrative Computing Advisory Committee for their feedback.  Sam will take the committee’s input into consideration as he plans to launch these Task Forces soon.

Update on search for a Chief Technology Officer:

Sam updated the committee on the search for the new Chief Technology Officer.  The title change (from Director of Information Technology Services) is part marketing and a reflection of the new position to work more closely with the Vice Presidents in creating strategic direction, vision, and planning for ITS and the campus.  The search committee anticipates the following timeline for the position.

·         The announcement/ad has gone out

·         Susan VanGuilder (consultant) will make phone calls

·         As of two days ago no applications had been received yet

·         2nd week of October – look at applications and give Susan feedback

·         November – start making selections

·         Mid November – develop a short list and do phone interviews

·         Beginning of December – bring candidates to campus.

·         Mid to end of December -  make decision and extend an offer

·         By March – have new CTO on board.

Consideration of a Joint Meeting with the Academic Technology Advisory Committee:

Without Linda Thornton at the meeting the group wanted more information about the purpose of a combined meeting.  How productive and useful would it be?   Roger commented that he does deal or has overlap with some of the same issues, like the course management system.  It was suggested that the minutes could be exchanged from each committee’s meetings.  Potential dates are the already scheduled ACAC meeting Nov. 28th or sometime in December.  In conclusion, it was suggested that the two chairs have an extended conversation about a joint meeting. 

Meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.

Submitted by,

Candyce Lelm